In the sixth series of the reality project “Cult of Body-2”, the repeated record holder of the Guinness Book of Power Extreme Alexander Dubrovin (Peresvet) joined the shootings. Saratov’s strongman held a training session “for real men”, showing a master class on pumping strong and broad shoulders. Olga Rusishvili showed interest in power training, which professionally deals with powerlifting.
In addition, our heroes will visit the Barocom sports medicine center to test their physical readiness and identify weaknesses. The professionalism of the center’s experts has already been evaluated by the star of mixed martial arts Habib Nurmagomedov and Russia’s most powerful man, Mikhail Koklyaev, who underwent a survey here.
Do you want to know which of the members of the Cult of Body-2 was the most enduring and what is the secret of the amazing power of Alexander Dubrovin? Then see the new series on the link: