The popular sports channel “Iron World” has released a new video dedicated to the tournament “Battle of Sura-6”, which took place in January. The hero of the new series was the Penza fighter of mixed martial arts Oleg Peterimov, who was preparing for a fight-revenge against Rustam Madoyan. Attention of the capital’s guests was also attracted by an amateur fighter from the reality project “Cult of Body-2” Denis Rogozin, who challenged the professional athlete MMA Alex Cardo. “The Iron World” promises to follow the preparation of Denis for the coming battle, which will take place in May this year. Fans of mixed martial arts are waiting for another pleasant surprise – an interview with the UFC star Habib Nurmagomedov, who became the guest of honor of this tournament.
The full version of the new video of the channel “Iron World” can be found at: